Category Archives: Uncategorized

INDIANA MARCH FOR LIFE – January 22, 2024

Orthodox Christians for Life of Indianapolis and Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church, Crawfordsville, Indiana joined together and represented the Orthodox Christian community in upholding the Unborn.

Divine Liturgy was served at Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church by Fr. John Miller and Archpriest Fr. Alex Miller, who delivered an inspiring sermon about the value of life. OCLife Indianapolis sponsored the meal after the Liturgy. We had an attendance of 26 Orthodox Christians, which was very encouraging. We are praying for more involvement and participation from the Orthodox communities in Indiana, both clergy and laity.

The 2024 Indiana March for Life was a resounding success in showing the importance and value of human life from the womb to the tomb. ”Thousands of protesters walked a little over a mile with a message to the community. They reached Monument Circle and finished at the Statehouse, where state and community leaders met with them for a second rally.” from Wish TV news . It was encouraging to hear words of life from our local leaders. “The culture of life is winning in Indiana”, Sen. Todd Rokita mentioned in his speech at the state house. ”Every life is valuable, and today, on Sanctity of Human Life Day, we reaffirmed our commitment to preserving the legacy of life that our state has worked so hard to build” from Indiana Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch. May God raise up more pro-life leaders in Indiana and across the nation and the world! 

It was incredible and inspiring to see hundreds of young Pro-Life people, children and students and young professionals come out and speak up for the Unborn. Glory be to God! 

If you are interested in getting involved with the Pro-Life cause, email us at

National Orthodox Baby Shower ~ March 2023

This March, OCLife is coordinating the 3rd Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower! Starting Sunday, March 5th, donate gently used maternity clothing, diapers, baby formula, gently used baby clothes and equipment, to your local Orthodox parish all through March!All items will be donated to local pregnancy resource centers closest to each parish in April, to benefit new Moms and babies!Email us at We’d like to hear about your participation in this event!

Introduce yourself to us at the OCLife table on March 5th, 5pm at Sunday of Orthodoxy St. George Orthodox Church or bring your donations also, we would love to talk to you!

Join us also through April for the 40 Days for Life campaign to end abortion! Sign up at for more the closest vigil site to you!
#OCLife #orthodoxchristiansforlife

Christ is Risen!


Photos from our March 19th event with Khouria Frederica Mathewes-Green. A big shout out to our crew, St. George OC and our guests! What a blessed time, glory be to God!

Beneath God’s Infinite Mercy

Featuring Keynote Speaker Khouria Frederica Mathewes-Green.
Saturday, March 19th 9:30A – 4P
St. George Orthodox Church
10748 E. 116 ST Fishers, In
Join us for a Lenten Retreat focused on life choices and exploring resources women and families can avail in times of crisis. Khouria Frederica Mathewes-Green, author and NPR commentator, will discuss the Theotokos as refuge, nurturer and healer, the history of procreative challenges in the early church and the urgent necessity for compassion within faith communities for all those confronting life choices.
Representatives from Matrix LifeCare Center of Lafayette will also discuss pre and postnatal care options and resources.


9:30 – 10:15A Akathist to the Mother of God, Nurturer of Children 10:15 – 10:30 Registration
10:30 – 10:35 Welcome * Lisa Pinaire, Moderator
Introduction, Joanne Allard, OCLife St. Alexis 
10:35-11:30 Mother of God, Beneath Her Compassion with Khouria Frederica
11:30-12:45P Lunch / Matrix LifeCare Mobile Unit Tour
1:00- 2:00 Holy Fathers speak. God’s mercy with Khouria Frederica
2:00 – 2:15 Break
2:15 – 3:15 Making Real Choices with Khouria Frederica
3:15 – 3:45 Matrix LifeCare Center of Lafayette with Emily Marshall & Traves Freeland
3:45 – 4:15 Q & A with Khouria Frederica
5:00 Vespers

For a printable flyer, Download Flyer Here

For Tax-deductible Donations : Send your check to Oclife Indianapolis, 201 Coronado Rd., Indianapolis, In 46234

Moleben with 40 Days for Life and Lunch on Saturday, 11am Oct 2, 2021

JOIN US in front of Planned Parenthood, 8590 Georgetown Rd and 86th St, Indianapolis
for our 40 Days for Life Moleben & Speaker Event.

Fr. Alex Miller will be serving a Moleben to the Mother of God for the sanctity of life at 11am.
All youth groups are welcome to join us.
A free lunch will be served afterwards at St. Nicholas Church
(7855 Marsh Road).
We are excited to announce our speaker is Mary Carmen Zakrajsek,
Indiana Regional Coordinator of Students for Life!
Please RSVP to how many are coming for lunch in your group.

The 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil Fall campaign begins September 22nd and ends on October 31st!

Get your Orthodox Guide to participating in 40 Days for Life here:

The Holy 14,000 Innocents

A very thorough article on abortion worth sharing…14,000 Infants (Holy Innocents) Slain by Herod at Bethlehem — by Father George of St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church, South Bend, In. />


The commemoration of the 14,000 Children slain by Herod at Bethlehem

Troparion, Tone I

As acceptable victims and freshly plucked flowers, as divine first-fruits and newborn lambs, you were offered to Christ Who was born as a child, holy innocents. You mocked Herod’s wickedness; now we beseech you: “Unceasingly pray for our souls.”

Kontakion of the Holy Infants. Plagal of Second Tone

When the King was born in Bethlehem, the Magi arrived from the East with gifts guided by a Star on high, but Herod was troubled and mowed down the children like wheat; for he lamented that his power would soon be destroyed.

The 14,000 Holy Innocents
by Saint Nikolai Velimirovich

When the Magi from the East did not return to Jerusalem from Bethlehem to inform Herod about the newborn King but rather, at the Angel’s command, returned to their homeland another way, Herod became as enraged as wild beast and ordered all the children two years old and under in Bethlehem and it surrounding to be killed.

This frightening command of the king was carried out to the letter. His soldiers beheaded some of the children with swords, smashed others against stones, trampled others underfoot, and strangled others with their hands. And the cries and wails of the mothers rose to heaven, lamentation, and bitter weeping; as had been prophesied.

“Rachel weeping for her children” (Jeremiah 31:15; St. Matthew 2:18)

This crime against the multitude of innocent children was carried out a year after the birth of Christ, at the time when Herod was seeking to find the Divine Child. He asked Zacharias about his son John, so that he might kill him, since he naturally thought that John was the new king. As Zacharias did not turn John over, he was slain in the Temple by order of Herod. Saint Symeon the God-Receiver would also have been murdered soon after the Presentation in the Temple, had he not already reposed in God.

After murdering the children of Bethlehem, Herod turned against the Jewish elders who had revealed to him where the Messiah would be born. He then killed Hyrcanes, the high priest, and the seventy elders of the Sanhedrin. Thus, they who had agreed with Herod that the new Child-King must be killed came to an evil end. After that, Herod murdered his brother, sister, wife and three sons.

Finally, God’s punishment came to him: he began to tremble, his legs became swollen, the lower part of his body became putrid, and worms came out of the sores; his nose became blocked and an unbearable stench emanated from him. Before his last breath, he remembered that there were many captive Jews in prison, and he ordered that they all be killed so that they would not rejoice in his death.

Thus, this terrible ruler gave up his inhuman soul and handed it over to the devil for eternal possession.


“The second Commandment of the teaching: You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not seduce boys. You shall not commit fornication. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic. You shall not use potions. You shall not procure [an] abortion, nor destroy a newborn child.” (Didache 2:1-2 [A.D. 70]).

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

In the festive atmosphere that embraced heaven and earth, just few days from the Nativity feast of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Church coats herself in much sorrow for the innocent infants slain by King Herod’s evil cruelty. Back than Jesus was saved from the wrath of Herod. Still today, He suffers the torment of death with each of the babies slain by modern tools of medicine, by the will of society that had lost its humanity, balance and sense of life and raised to the rank of the law, the grievial sin of murdering babies.

Truly the Commandment of the Gospel, “Thou shall not kill” no longer holds true in a world that calls the good evil and the evil good.


Most people do not know what happens during an abortion. “Perhaps many women who committed abortion did not know that actually they killed a child. Why? Because they are told that by the third month in the womb they bear only “a ball of cells” and not a true man.”

British Professor Stuart Campbell, a researcher at “Create Health Clinic” in London, managed to obtain, through a new type of ultrasound scan, three-dimensional images that allow viewing of fetal movements in real time. The study demonstrates for the first time that life begins with fertilization and not at birth. At the moment of conception, 46 chromosomes with 30,000 genes, combine and determine all our physical characteristics: gender, facial and bodily features, eye color, hair and skin. Then, in just a few weeks, from one cell a tiny man is formed, having all the organs already present and able to work.

Every Orthodox Christian woman believes and knows how precious life is. She prepares herself for the birth of her child spiritually by receiving the Mysteria of the Church i.e., Holy Confession and Holy Communion. The priest offers her prayers for a good delivery and prayers following the birth of the child. On the eighth day the priest offers her beloved child his/her Christian name. Both the mother and the child are brought to the church after forty days to be blessed and prayers are read over both of them on their entrance into the Holy Church. Following this entrance, the days ahead are a time of preparation for the Mystery of Holy Baptism of the new-born child, a child so dear to our Lord and Almighty God, and to our Holy Orthodox Christian community, that a godparent is provided to be the witness of this Holy Baptism, and to assist in teaching the child the Holy Orthodox Christian Faith throughout his/her life.

Every Orthodox Christian woman who bears a child always exults in the joy of the birth, as well as in the joy of having a living being within her womb. Saint Elizabeth meeting with the Ever-Virgin Mary said to her, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (St. Luke 1:42). God Who knows us from our mother’s womb. A woman’s womb is sacred and must not be used for any other reason other than to bring life into the world and not death. Our Holy Orthodox Church has for 2,000 years has condemned abortion as murder and the penalty according to the Holy Canons of the Church is great. This is evident that in the first three centuries of the early Church, the Orthodox Holy Fathers spoke frequently against abortion.

Millions and millions of children are being killed not only by the heathen (gentiles or pagans) but by “Christian” women without any remorse, guilt or the fear of God. Not only in America but even in Orthodox Christian countries like Greece where even there abortion is legal according to civil law. Our Holy Orthodox Church cries out against this act of abortion just like Rachel who could not stop her weeping for the massacre of 14,000 of her own innocent children.

The Holy Canons of the Orthodox Church consider abortion as premeditated murder and all those who participate in the procedure-that is, those who perform, promote, prescribe, advocate, support, and undergo abortion-as murderers. For the penitent, an excommunication of period up to ten years is still prescribed-the same as for any repentant murderer.

Throughout the Old Testament man is revealed not only as a special creature, but as coming into being for a purpose: Jeremiah 1:5 the prophet was set aside: “Before I was formed in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you and appointed you to be a prophet to the nations…”

Another dimension of the reverence for human life can be seen as Saint Paul declares that the body is the dwelling place of God, likening it to a temple: “Do you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and that temple you are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17): “…for we are the temple of the living God; as God said, ‘I will live in them, and move among them, and I will be their God…” (2 Cor. 6:16).

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Within Man’s being is a place of residence for God’s Spirit, something again unique in Creation. Thus Man exists at the intercession of the spiritual and physical worlds–between heaven and earth–and, as a creation of God, is worthy (axios) to worship, adore, and be in communion with Him. Man is much, much more than merely a rational animal. He a worshipping creature–“Homo Adorans,” as Father Alexander Schmemann has described him in “For the Life of the World.” Man, then, is a unity of the material and the spiritual. Scripturally, the whole man prays to, adores, and worships God and, so, Man is a creature uniquely created to love, worship, and be in communion with God as is no other part of creation.


The Epistle of Barnabas-First Century

“You shall love your neighbor more than you own life. You shall not slay the child by abortion. You shall not kill that which has been generated.”

Apologia of Athenagoras of Athens-177 A.D.

“What reason would we have to commit murder when we say that women who induce abortions are murderers, and will have to give account of it to God? For the same person would not regard a fetus in the womb as a living thing and therefore, an object of God’s care, and at the same time slay it, once it had come to life.”

Tertulian (Western church)-Third Century

“Abortion is a precipitation of murder, nor does it matter whether or not one takes a life when formed, or drives it away when forming, for he is also a man who is about to be one.”

Saint Clement of Alexandria-Third Century

“Universal life would proceed according to nature if we would practice continence from the beginning instead of destroying, through immoral and pernicious acts, human beings who are given birth by Divine Providence.”

The Regional Council of Elvira, Spain-303 A.D:

“Prescribes life long excommunication for penitent persons involved in abortion. Eucharist denied even on the death bed.”

23rd Clergy-Laity Congress–Greek Orthodox Archdiocese-1976

“The Orthodox Church has a definite, formal and intended attitude toward abortion. It condemns all procedures purporting to abort the embryo or fetus, whether by surgical or chemical means. The Orthodox Church brands abortions murder; that is, as a premeditated termination of the life of a human being. The only time the Orthodox Church will reluctantly acquiesce to abortion is when the preponderance of medical opinion determines that unless the embryo or fetus is aborted, the mother will die. Decisions of the Supreme Court and State legislatures by which abortion, with or without restrictions, is allowed should be viewed by practicing Christians as an affront to their belief in the sanctity of life.”


There is little more than can be said-the deliberate destruction and/or desecration of a human being is unthinkable for a true-believing Orthodox Christian. God created Man in his own likeness and image, man is a living icon of flesh and blood, in which God gave the breath of life. Killing an innocent human being can be seen as an act of blasphemy against God–it is the ultimate act of iconoclasm.

With sincere agape in the Divine Child of Bethlehem,
The sinner and unworthy servant of God

+Father George


Christ is risen!  In truth He is Risen! * Christos Anesti!  Alithos Anesti! *  Khristos Voskrese!  Voistinu VOSKRESE! * EL MESSIEH KAHM!  HAKKEN KAHM! * LE CHRIST EST RESSUCITE!  EN VERITE IL EST RESSUCITE! * HA MASHEEHA HOUH QUAM!                                       BE EMET QUAM!                               

Christ is risen from the dead trampling down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!


January 19th is “Sanctity of Life Sunday”

Christ is born, glorify Him!

Another year has come to commemorate the Roe v Wade anniversary.  We will not cease to pray and be a voice for the innocent unborn.

January 19, 2020, will be observed as “Sanctity of Life Sunday” in parishes of the Orthodox Church in America. Special liturgical petitions and prayers are available on the Prayers for Orthodox Christians page and in PDF format. A message from His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon for Sanctity of Life Sunday will be available early next week for download.
The day serves as a prelude to the annual March for Life marking the 48th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States, in the US Capital on Friday, January 24. As in past years, Orthodox Christians from across the country will gather to proclaim the sanctity of God’s precious gift of life and to remember the millions of victims abortion has claimed over the past four decades.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon will lead a delegation of bishops, clergy, monastics, seminarians and faithful from the Orthodox Church in America as they join other Orthodox Christian bishops, clergy, and faithful participating in the annual March for Life.
Events on Friday, January 24 will begin with the Divine Liturgy at 8:30 am at Saint Nicholas Cathedral celebrated by His Grace Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa. Following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy marchers will make their way to the National Mall for the pre-March rally and March. The pre-March rally will begin at noon at 12th St. on the National Mall. Among those scheduled to address the rally will be His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia, of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, who will offer a prayer on behalf of the Assembly of Bishops.  At the conclusion of the rally, Metropolitan Tikhon will preside at a prayer service for those who have fallen victim to abortion.

Photos from November 2nd Event


Taco salad bar catered by Patricia and John Rigby

Moleben, Lunch and a Movie!

The Moleben (Prayer) for Life with the Akathist to the Mother of God, will be served by Fr. Alexis Miller   

Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 11 am

in front of Planned Parenthood  

8590 Georgetown Road Indianapolis

Followed by a Free Lunch and the movie “Unplanned” 

 at Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church

1516 N Delaware St., Indianapolis at 12:30 pm

Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation. All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she believed in a woman’s right to choose.  Until the day she saw something that changed everything. Rated PG13 by the filmmakers who produced “God’s Not Dead”, however, rated R by the MPAA.

Fr. Alexis Miller will facilitate the discussion after the movie.  We hope you could join us in this endeavor for Life to the glory of God.  Please bring diapers for the Birthline Ministry to help needy families.

This event is sponsored by the Presbyters Council of Central Indiana.