Monthly Archives: December 2014

December 17th (6:15 pm) Moleben at Sts. Constantine and Elena

My apologies for this short notice but I have just received the confirmation and blessing today for the moleben at Sts. Constantine and Elena on 16th St.  It is going to be tomorrow (Wednesday) starting at 6:15 pm and should be over by 7 pm.  I guess this is a very busy season of the Nativity of our Lord.  However, it is a very much-needed time to prepare our hearts,  a time for cleansing our souls from the things of this world that cry out for our attention.  May our Lord Jesus Christ fill our hearts with His peace, joy and love to share with those needing His touch. 

A Blessed Nativity to all.

Troparion of the Feast

“Thy nativity, O Christ our God,
has shown to the world the light of wisdom;
for by it, those who worshipped the stars
were taught by a star to adore Thee
the Sun of Righteousness,
and to know Thee, the Orient from on high.
O Lord, glory to Thee.”

Kontakion of the Feast

“Today the virgin, gives birth to the incomprehensible One;
and the earth offers a cave to the unapproachable One;
Angels and shepherds glorify Him;
the Wisemen journey with a star;
since for our sakes is born the ETERNAL GOD, as a little Child.”
