Monthly Archives: January 2016

Sanctity of Life Sunday Events on January 17, 2016

Moleben 1-17-16A

Sanctity of Life Sunday Moleben January 17, 2016 at Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church

Moleben 1-17-16

Memorial booth2016

OCLife Indy Booth at the Memorial for the Unborn event right after the Moleben

Memorial Speaker Jennifer

Event Speaker, Jennifer Trapuzzano and her daughter Cecilia

Memorial 2016

43 roses were put in vases for the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade

Memorial Stats

Lord, have mercy!

An article written by Fr. Ted Bobosh on

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (2016)

Today the Orthodox Church in America recognizes the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. I want to mention of a quote from President Obama’s 11 January 2016 State of the Union speech.   It’s not easy to find something from him to quote for this Sunday, but he said something which caught my ears:

So, my fellow Americans, whatever you may believe, whether you prefer one party or no party, our collective future depends on your willingness to uphold your obligations as a citizen. To vote. To speak out. To stand up for others, especially the weak, especially the vulnerable, knowing that each of us is only here because somebody, somewhere, stood up for us. To stay active in our public life so it reflects the goodness and decency and optimism that I see in the American people every single day.

The President called upon us to stand up especially for the weak and vulnerable, and to remember “that each of us is only here because somebody, somewhere, stood up for us.” That is exactly the sentiment we who are pro-life and who believe in the sanctity of human life are doing for the babies in their mother’s wombs. President Obama said we should speak up and vote. We do that, and we also pray.

Here is the prayer that the Orthodox Church in America offers for the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. It is a prayer for all, including the unborn babies and also for all politicians, even those who don’t respect the sanctity of human life in the womb.

O Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son, Who are in the bosom of the Father, True God, source of life and immortality, Light of Light, Who came into the world to enlighten it: You were pleased to be conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary for the salvation of our souls by the power of Your All-Holy Spirit. O Master, Who came that we might have life more abundantly, we ask You to enlighten the minds and hearts of those blinded to the truth that life begins at conception and that the unborn in the womb are already adorned with Your image and likeness; enable us to guard, cherish, and protect the lives of all those who are unable to care for themselves. For You are the Giver of Life, bringing each person from non-being into being, sealing each person with divine and infinite love. Be merciful, O Lord, to those who, through ignorance or willfulness, affront Your divine goodness and providence through the evil act of abortion. May they, and all of us, come to the life of Your Truth and glorify You, the Giver of Life, together with Your Father, and Your All-Holy and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Fr. Ted Bobosh

Fr. Ted’s Blog

17 / 01 / 2016

Sunday of Sanctity of Life Moleben on January 17th

Orthodox Christians For Life of Indianapolis, a mission of the Presbyters Council of Central Indiana, would like to request that as we celebrate these most precious and holy events of our Lord’s birth and baptism, we pause to reflect on the tragedy of the death of the Holy Innocents at the time of our Lord’s nativity due to human ambition and insensitivity.  We recognize in this the sorrowful reoccurrence to the children of our own times.

On the occasion of the Sanctity of Life Sunday Observance
OCLife of Indianapolis
would like to invite those interested to a special Moleben
Prayer Service to the Theotokos
for the Defense of Life, strengthening of the Family, and to promote a heightened sense of the sanctity of human life in our culture.
Sunday, January 17
12:30 pm
Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church 
1516 N. Delaware Street
Indianapolis 46202
We would also like to extend an invitation to join us and the larger community for a Memorial Service sponsored by Right to Life of Indianapolis at the War Memorial for all of our children who have lost their lives through infanticide.
Memorial Service for the Unborn
Sunday, January 17
2:30 to 3:30 pm
Indiana War Memorial
431 N. Meridian Street
(enter from Michigan Street)
Keynote speaker: Jennifer Trapuzzano

The 14,000 Infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod at Bethlehem

Troparion, Tone I

By the pangs of Thy saints,/ wherewith they suffered for Thee,/ be entreated O Lord, and heal all our pains,// O Thou Who lovest mankind.

Kontakion of the Innocents, Tone IV “Thou hast appeared”

The star sent the magi to Him Who was born,/ and Herod cruelly sent an unjust army,// seeking to slay Him Who lay as a babe in the manger.