Monthly Archives: June 2015

JUNE MOLEBEN FOR LIFE – Wednesday, June 24th at St. John the Forerunner

So, we are having our monthly moleben for life this month on Wednesday the 24th, 6 pm at St. John the Forerunner for a change.  Thank you, Fr. Zachariah for hosting this time.  We hope and pray that other parishes in the area who have not hosted would follow suit. 

On a different note, it is exciting to find out that abortion rate in the US has dropped to 12 percent since 2010 according to a survey.  Thanks to Pro-Life laws and ministries that help to protect and educate women about their choices.  Let us persevere in our prayerful efforts to uphold the sanctity of life.

U.S. Abortion Rate Drops 12 Percent

June 10, 2015

A new survey from the Associate Press claims that the national abortion rate has dropped 12 percent since 2010. Life News reports the pro-life laws that have been passed in recent years likely caused the drop in abortion procedures.According to the report, the abortions rate has dropped in all 43 of 45 reporting states. Michigan and Louisiana were the two states that reported abortion increases.

Several states saw the abortion rate decrease over 20 percent. The states that recently passed aggressive pro-life laws saw the largest drops, including Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma.

Pro-life laws regarding the health and safety of women led to the closure of about 70 abortion clinics in 12 states since 2010. The survey indicated that clinic closures were partly to credit with the national pro-life progress.

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue said, “The Associated Press report is great news. It proves that Americans are rejecting abortions in favor of life in unprecedented numbers. There’s no doubt that we are winning and the abortion cartel is waning.”

10 / 06 / 2015
