Monthly Archives: July 2016

Molieben 7-22-16AMolieben 7-22-16

Thank you to all who came to the Molieben yesterday, July 22nd.  It was the first time we held it at St. Seraphim Orthodox Bookstore, which was very providential in many ways.  Four parishes were represented which included the faithful from Indianapolis –  Joy of All Who Sorrow, Sts. Constantine and Elena, St. John the Forerunner and from Bloomington – All Saints!   Welcome Jim and Patricia, delighted to have you both.  Thanks to Deaconessa Rebecca for making the delicious vegan sloppy joes  🙂  also to everyone’s contribution, and most importantly your presence. 

May God continue to bless this ministry, through the prayers of the Mother of God and St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, our patron saint. 

July 22nd Molieben for Life

Peace greetings to all Pro-Lifers! 

We will resume our Molieben for Life next week, Friday, July 22nd, 6 pm at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church downtown Indy. We will have a brief meeting in the Reading room afterwards with some refreshments.  The main church door will be open at 5:55 pm.

Please join us in praying for the unborn, mothers in crisis pregnancy, our government and those who do not uphold the sanctity of life in the womb.  Your prayers are much needed in this perilous and ungodly times we live in. 

Hope to see you then! 

Please take the time to read this inspirational story:

Tong Phuoc Phuc from Vietnam has shown the world what true selflessness is: He has saved the lives of more than 100 children over the last 15 years. It all began in 2001 when his own wife was pregnant. He went with her to the hospital and noticed that pregnant women were entering the next room and coming out no longer with child.  Read the whole story here.

For your info…

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For Immediate Release
July 14, 2016
Indiana Right to Life:

Pence Is Devoted Pro-Life Advocate


Pence Brings Pro-life Credentials to the Trump Presidential Ticket

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Right to Life President and CEO, Mike Fichter, released the following statement upon reports that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is Donald Trump’s running mate on the Republican presidential ticket:

“Gov. Pence is devoted to protecting the unborn and their mothers. Gov. Pence’s pro-life stance is more than a talking point; Gov. Pence has put his pro-life position into action time and time again. Indiana is a better state for the unborn and their mothers because of the Governor’s pro-life leadership.

“Even before becoming the state’s top executive, Gov. Pence demonstrated his willingness to fight for the protection of life in a meaningful way. In Congress, Pence led the effort to defund the nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood.

“Since becoming governor, Gov. Pence has advanced the pro-life cause through legislation and his administration. Under Gov. Pence, there are four fewer abortion facilities. The state abortion rate has been steadily declining every year. The state is enforcing health regulations that protect women’s health, and abortion doctors know they don’t have a free pass.

“Gov. Pence’s Real Alternatives program at pregnancy resource centers offers life-affirming and compassionate care to women through pregnancy and as they begin parenting. In a one-year pilot program in Northern Indiana, Real Alternatives served more than 8,000 clients. Gov. Pence also has sought to promote adoption through the first ever state income tax credit for Hoosier families who adopt and by hosting an annual Adoption Fair highlighting this loving option. Gov. Pence has also made sure that Hoosiers are not required to subsidize abortions through their health insurance premiums.

“Gov. Pence has signed legislation to bring dignity to the unborn and their mothers. Among the pro-life measures signed by Gov. Pence:

  • Prohibit children from being targeted for abortion on the sole basis of their sex, race, national origin or a potential disability
  • Provide final dignified disposition of aborted babies so that they aren’t treated as medical waste or used for experiments
  • Establish health and safety standards are chemical abortion facilities
  • Provide $1,000 adoption credit for parents
  • Increase penalties for failure to properly report abortions
  • Promote umbilical cord donation, an ethical alternative to embryonic stem cell research
  • Require that abortion doctors document their admitting privileges with the State Department of Health
  • Increase awareness of positive support for parents of Down syndrome children
  • Provide information on perinatal hospice to parents who receive an adverse prenatal diagnosis
  • Increase informed consent measures for women seeking abortions, including full color photos of fetal development printed in informed consent information
  • Protect consumers from being forced to pay for private insurance plans that include unrestricted abortion coverage

“Gov. Pence brings his pro-life credentials to the Trump presidential ticket. In contrast, Hillary Clinton has sought to expand abortion access and fund the life-ending procedure with our tax dollars. She has a cozy relationship with the abortion industry and cannot be trusted to protect life.

“Gov. Pence will advance the cause of life on the campaign trail this fall and will defend the unborn and their mothers if elected Vice President.”

Indiana Right to Life’s mission is to protect the right to life, especially of unborn children, through positive education, compassionate advocacy and promotion of healthy alternatives to abortion.