Monthly Archives: December 2013

December 22nd Moleben

Christ is born, glorify Him!

We have finally completed the last moleben for the year 2013 and are gearing up for the new year.    We thank everyone who have participated and prayed and we are hoping that attendance and involvement will keep growing.  Most importantly, we will keep the good fight of the faith praying and hoping that the laws of our nation will protect the life of the unborn child at conception in the nearest future.

Check our blog weekly for announcements about activities on the upcoming 41st anniversary of Roe vs Wade next month. 

May the Lord bless us all with divine health, strength, wisdom, safety, peace and joy as we meet the challenges of the coming year, through the prayers of the Theotokos and His holy servant and OCLife Indianapolis’ patron saint, St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco.

Moleben 12-22-13 a


St. John Maximovitch the Wonderworker, Patron Saint of OCLife Indianapolis

As we have been developing our OCLife ministry we have been inspired to ask for the blessing to have St. John Maximovitch the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, as our patron and intercessor.  He was a great lover of children and especially orphans.  He was responsible for rescuing many unwanted and abandoned children while he was in Shanghai, China, developing a large orphanage in the process.


We are very happy to announce that the icon and a part of the relic of St John that was given to the Joy of All Who Sorrow parish in Indianapolis, with the blessing of  its senior priest, Fr. Stevan Bauman, are going to be brought in to the moleben at Sts. Constantine and Elena this Sunday, December 22nd at 1 pm.  We will be singing the akathist hymn to St. John, seeking his guidance and intercession for our endeavors for the innocent unborn children.  Fr. David Wey, senior priest of Sts. Constantine and Elena will be leading the akathist service.


We hope and pray that this ministry will have increasing support from the different parishes in Indianapolis as we continue to hold the moleben for the unborn every month.


O Holy St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, pray to God for us!


Troparion to St John in Tone 6

Glorious apostle to an age of coldness and unbelief,/ invested with the grace-filled power of the saints of old,/ divinely illumined seer of heavenly mysteries,/ feeder of orphans, hope of the hopeless,/ thou didst enkindle on earth the fire of love for Christ/ upon the dark eve of the day of judgement.// Pray now that this sacred flame/ may also rise from our hearts, O holy hierarch John.


Moleben on Sunday, December 22nd

The moleben for the Unborn will be held again at Sts. Constantine and Elena on Sunday, December 22nd at 1 pm after coffee hour.  This is the last moleben for this year.  Thanks be to God for His grace and mercy. 
